Contact us at 312.373.0015, or send us a message for more information about your Property Tax Appeal, Closing, or other inquiry.

The Cook County property tax appeal system allows taxpayers to demand correction or compensation for any incorrect taxation imposed on their property.

Regardless of the mass appraisal system for valuation of properties, there can be inaccuracies in the assessment process. This may lead to a higher property tax imposed. By making a tax appeal with Saranow Law Group, LLC you can file a petition for correction of any error on your property tax card and re-assessment of the imposed property tax.

Why File A Property Tax Appeal?

Cook County residents are highly encouraged to file a property tax appeal with Saranow Law Group, LLC. Below are summarized the two types of appeal you can make and the difference between them:

    • Subjective Appeal: If you believe that the property taxes imposed on you are high and the valuation is incorrect, you should file a subjective appeal. With it, you can request re-assessment of your property tax and valuation based on the true market value. To support this appeal, it is necessary to clearly explain the reason behind disputing the property tax assessment.
    • Objective Appeal: You should make an objective appeal if you want to file a petition for correction of any error of your property tax card. For instance, your property size mentioned on the card might be wrong which may lead to incorrect tax assessment. Generally, this type of appeal addresses the errors in the assessment along with the illegal taxes.

We Address Your Property Concerns

Saranow Law Group, LLC is well-aware of the problems you may face when dealing with your property issues. For this reason, we are here to assist you in understanding the complications in Cook County’s property tax legislation. It can be confusing to determine when and where a tax exemption is possible and when filing an appeal is appropriate. Wrong assumptions and any misunderstanding in this issue may force you to pay higher property taxes. To ensure that you do not violate any applicable laws and enjoy the maximum benefits, our expert lawyers are available to address your property concerns.

We Have Experience

Making a property tax appeal can be difficult if you do not have a good understanding of the related law issues and obligations.

However, with Saranow Law Group, there is nothing to worry about even if you are facing such property issues for the first time. We have multiple years experience dealing with the complex property issues. With a passionate approach towards law, we have helped a lot of property owners reduce the taxes imposed and resolve any related conflicts. Given that you provide us complete and accurate information, we can help you with your property issues regardless of how complicated your case is.

We Walk You Through the Process
Regarding that many people are not familiar even with the basic property law procedures, we make sure that our clients do not face any issues while filing an appeal. If you decide to retain our services, you do not need to carry out any further research or spend your precious time in preparing your documents. All you need to do is to follow the simple instructions our lawyers and consultants give and provide them the necessary information. You may discuss any issue with us regarding your property and get a satisfying response. After working with us, you will witness that filing a property tax appeal has never been that simple and quick!

We Want You to Be Satisfied

We know that there are many other companies in the market offering their property tax appeal services. When all such groups claim to be the best, it is very difficult for people like you to make a confident decision based on your choice. To achieve the satisfaction of our clients, we do not charge any upfront payments. Moreover, you only pay us when we successfully save you money on your property tax appeal.

Contact us today and reduce your property taxes by filing a property tax appeal


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